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Model Naming Conventions#

fct_model_naming_conventions (source) shows all cases where a model does NOT have the appropriate prefix.


Consider model_8 which is nested in the marts subdirectory:

├── dbt_project.yml
└── models
    ├── marts
        └── model_8.sql

This model should be renamed to either fct_model_8 or dim_model_8.

Reason to Flag

Without appropriate naming conventions, a user querying the data warehouse might incorrectly assume the model type of a given relation. In order to explicitly name the model type in the data warehouse, we recommend appropriately prefixing your models in dbt.

Model Type Appropriate Prefixes
Staging stg_
Intermediate int_
Marts fct_ or dim_
Other rpt_

How to Remediate

For each model flagged, ensure the model type is defined and the model name is prefixed appropriately.

Model Directories#

fct_model_directories (source) shows all cases where a model is NOT in the appropriate subdirectory:

  • For staging models: The files should be nested in the staging folder of a subfolder that matches their source parent's name.
  • For non-staging models: The files should be nested closest to the folder name that matches their model type.


Consider stg_model_3 which is a staging model for source_2.table_3:

A DAG showing source_2.table_3 as a parent of stg_model_3

But, stg_model_3.sql is inappropriately nested in the subdirectory source_1:

├── dbt_project.yml
└── models
    ├── marts
    └── staging
        └── source_1
            ├── stg_model_3.sql

This file should be moved into the subdirectory source_2:

├── dbt_project.yml
└── models
    ├── marts
    └── staging
        ├── source_1
        └── source_2
            ├── stg_model_3.sql

Consider dim_model_7 which is a marts model but is inappropriately nested closest to the subdirectory intermediate:

├── dbt_project.yml
└── models
    └── marts
        └── intermediate
            ├── dim_model_7.sql

This file should be moved closest to the subdirectory marts:

├── dbt_project.yml
└── models
    └── marts
        ├── dim_model_7.sql

Consider int_model_4 which is an intermediate model but is inappropriately nested closest to the subdirectory marts:

├── dbt_project.yml
└── models
    └── marts
        ├── int_model_4.sql

This file should be moved closest to the subdirectory intermediate:

├── dbt_project.yml
└── models
    └── marts
        └── intermediate
            ├── int_model_4.sql

Reason to Flag

Because we often work with multiple data sources, in our staging directory, we create one subdirectory per source.

├── dbt_project.yml
└── models
    ├── marts
    └── staging
        ├── braintree
        └── stripe

Each staging directory contains:

  • One staging model for each raw source table
  • One .yml file which contains source definitions, tests, and documentation (see Source Directories)
  • One .yml file which contains tests & documentation for models in the same directory (see Test Directories)

This provides for clear repository organization, so that analytics engineers can quickly and easily find the information they need.

We might create additional folders for intermediate models but each file should always be nested closest to the folder name that matches their model type.

├── dbt_project.yml
└── models
    └── marts
        └── fct_model_6.sql
        └── intermediate
            └── int_model_5.sql

How to Remediate

For each resource flagged, move the file from the current_file_path to change_file_path_to.

Source Directories#

fct_source_directories (source) shows all cases where a source definition is NOT in the appropriate subdirectory:


Consider source_2.table_3 which is a source_2 source but it had been defined inappropriately in a source.yml file nested in the subdirectory source_1:

├── dbt_project.yml
└── models
    ├── marts
    └── staging
        └── source_1
            ├── source.yml

This definition should be moved into a source.yml file nested in the subdirectory source_2:

├── dbt_project.yml
└── models
    ├── marts
    └── staging
        ├── source_1
        └── source_2
            ├── source.yml

Reason to Flag

Because we often work with multiple data sources, in our staging directory, we create one subdirectory per source.

├── dbt_project.yml
└── models
    ├── marts
    └── staging
        ├── braintree
        └── stripe

Each staging directory contains:

  • One staging model for each raw source table (see Model Directories)
  • One .yml file which contains source definitions, tests, and documentation
  • One .yml file which contains tests & documentation for models in the same directory (see Test Directories)

This provides for clear repository organization, so that analytics engineers can quickly and easily find the information they need.

How to Remediate

For each source flagged, move the file from the current_file_path to change_file_path_to.

Test Directories#

fct_test_directories (source) shows all cases where model tests are NOT in the same subdirectory as the corresponding model.


int_model_4 is located within marts/. However, tests for int_model_4 are configured in staging/staging.yml:

├── dbt_project.yml
└── models
    └── marts
        ├── int_model_4.sql
    └── staging
        ├── staging.yml

A new yml file should be created in marts/ which contains all tests and documentation for int_model_4, and for the rest of the models in located in the marts/ directory:

├── dbt_project.yml
└── models
    └── marts
        ├── int_model_4.sql
        ├── marts.yml
    └── staging
        ├── staging.yml

Reason to Flag

Each subdirectory in models/ should contain one .yml file that includes the tests and documentation for all models within the given subdirectory. Keeping your repository organized in this way ensures that folks can quickly access the information they need.

How to Remediate

Move flagged tests from the yml file under current_test_directory to the yml file under change_test_directory_to (create a new yml file if one does not exist).