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Configuring exceptions to the rules#

While the rules defined in this package are considered best practices, we realize that there might be exceptions to those rules and people might want to exclude given results to get passing tests despite not following all the recommendations.

An example would be excluding all models with names matching with stg_..._unioned from fct_multiple_sources_joined as we might want to union 2 different tables representing the same data in some of our staging models and we don't want the test to fail for those models.

The package offers the ability to define a seed called dbt_project_evaluator_exceptions.csv to list those exceptions we don't want to be reported. This seed must contain the following columns:

  • fct_name: the name of the fact table for which we want to define exceptions (Please note that it is not possible to exclude specific models for all the coverage tests, but there are variables available to configure those to the particular users' needs)
  • column_name: the column name from fct_name we will be looking at to define exceptions
  • id_to_exclude: the values (or like pattern) we want to exclude for column_name
  • comment: a field where people can document why a given exception is legitimate

The following section describes the steps to follow to configure exceptions.

1. Create a new seed#

With our previous example, the seed dbt_project_evaluator_exceptions.csv would look like:

fct_multiple_sources_joined,child,stg_%_unioned,Models called _unioned can union multiple sources

which looks like the following when loaded in the warehouse

fct_name column_name id_to_exclude comment
fct_multiple_sources_joined child stg_%_unioned Models called _unioned can union multiple sources

2. Deactivate the seed from the original package#

Only a single seed can exist with a given name. When using a custom one, we need to deactivate the blank one from the package by adding the following to our dbt_project.yml

      +enabled: false

3. Run the seed and the package#

We then run both the seed and the package by executing the following command:

dbt build --select package:dbt_project_evaluator dbt_project_evaluator_exceptions