Documentation Coverage#
models as (
select * from {{ ref('int_all_graph_resources') }}
where resource_type = 'model'
conversion as (
case when is_described then 1 else 0 end as is_described_model,
{% for model_type in var('model_types') %}
case when model_type = '{{ model_type }}' then 1.0 else NULL end as is_{{ model_type }}_model,
case when is_described and model_type = '{{ model_type }}' then 1.0 else 0 end as is_described_{{ model_type }}_model{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
from models
final as (
current_timestamp as measured_at,
count(*) as total_models,
sum(is_described_model) as documented_models,
round(sum(is_described_model) * 100.0 / count(*), 2) as documentation_coverage_pct,
{% for model_type in var('model_types') %}
{{ dbt_utils.safe_divide(
numerator = "sum(is_described_" ~ model_type ~ "_model) * 100",
denominator = "count(is_" ~ model_type ~ "_model)"
) }}
, 2) as {{ model_type }}_documentation_coverage_pct{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
from models
left join conversion
on models.resource_id = conversion.resource_id
select * from final
(source) calculates the percent of enabled models in the project that have
a configured description.
This model will raise a warn
error on a dbt build
or dbt test
if the documentation_coverage_pct
is less than 100%.
You can set your own threshold by overriding the documentation_coverage_target
variable. See overriding variables section.
Reason to Flag
Good documentation for your dbt models will help downstream consumers discover and understand the datasets which you curate for them. The documentation for your project includes model code, a DAG of your project, any tests you've added to a column, and more.
How to Remediate
Apply a text description in the model's .yml
entry, or create a docs block in a markdown file, and use the {{ doc() }}
function in the model's .yml
We recommend that every model in your dbt project has at minimum a model-level description. This ensures that each model's purpose is clear to other developers and stakeholders when viewing the dbt docs site.
Undocumented Models#
(source) lists every model with no description configured.
Reason to Flag
Good documentation for your dbt models will help downstream consumers discover and understand the datasets which you curate for them. The documentation for your project includes model code, a DAG of your project, any tests you've added to a column, and more.
How to Remediate
Apply a text description in the model's .yml
entry, or create a docs block in a markdown file, and use the {{ doc() }}
function in the model's .yml
We recommend that every model in your dbt project has at minimum a model-level description. This ensures that each model's purpose is clear to other developers and stakeholders when viewing the dbt docs site. Missing documentation should be addressed first for marts models, then for the rest of your project, to ensure that stakeholders in the organization can understand the data which is surfaced to them.