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dbt-meshify Commands#



dbt-meshify [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  --help  Show this message and exit.


dbt-meshify connect#


This command is not yet implemented

Connects multiple dbt projects together by adding all necessary dbt Mesh constructs


dbt-meshify connect [OPTIONS] [PROJECTS_DIR]


  --help  Show this message and exit.

dbt-meshify group#

Creates a new dbt group based on the selection syntax Detects the edges of the group, makes their access public, and adds contracts to them


dbt-meshify group [OPTIONS] NAME


  -e, --exclude TEXT      The dbt selection syntax specifying the resources to
                          exclude in the operation
  --project-path PATH     The path to the dbt project to operate on. Defaults
                          to the current directory.
  -s, --select TEXT       The dbt selection syntax specifying the resources to
                          include in the operation
  --selector TEXT         The name of the YML selector specifying the
                          resources to include in the operation
  --owner <TEXT TEXT>...  A tuple of Owner information for the group. For
                          example `--owner name example`
  --group-yml-path PATH   An optional path to store the new group YAML
  --help                  Show this message and exit.

dbt-meshify operation#

Set of subcommands for performing mesh operations on dbt projects


dbt-meshify operation [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  --help  Show this message and exit.


dbt-meshify operation add-contract#

Adds a contract to all selected models.


dbt-meshify operation add-contract [OPTIONS]


  -e, --exclude TEXT   The dbt selection syntax specifying the resources to
                       exclude in the operation
  --project-path PATH  The path to the dbt project to operate on. Defaults to
                       the current directory.
  -s, --select TEXT    The dbt selection syntax specifying the resources to
                       include in the operation
  --selector TEXT      The name of the YML selector specifying the resources
                       to include in the operation
  --help               Show this message and exit.

dbt-meshify operation add-version#

Adds/increments model versions for all selected models.


dbt-meshify operation add-version [OPTIONS]


  -e, --exclude TEXT   The dbt selection syntax specifying the resources to
                       exclude in the operation
  --project-path PATH  The path to the dbt project to operate on. Defaults to
                       the current directory.
  -s, --select TEXT    The dbt selection syntax specifying the resources to
                       include in the operation
  --selector TEXT      The name of the YML selector specifying the resources
                       to include in the operation
  --prerelease, --pre
  --defined-in TEXT
  --help               Show this message and exit.

dbt-meshify operation create-group#

Create a group and add selected resources to the group.


dbt-meshify operation create-group [OPTIONS] NAME


  -e, --exclude TEXT      The dbt selection syntax specifying the resources to
                          exclude in the operation
  --project-path PATH     The path to the dbt project to operate on. Defaults
                          to the current directory.
  -s, --select TEXT       The dbt selection syntax specifying the resources to
                          include in the operation
  --selector TEXT         The name of the YML selector specifying the
                          resources to include in the operation
  --owner <TEXT TEXT>...  A tuple of Owner information for the group. For
                          example `--owner name example`
  --group-yml-path PATH   An optional path to store the new group YAML
  --help                  Show this message and exit.

dbt-meshify split#


This command is not yet implemented

Splits dbt projects apart by adding all necessary dbt Mesh constructs based on the selection syntax.


dbt-meshify split [OPTIONS]


  -e, --exclude TEXT   The dbt selection syntax specifying the resources to
                       exclude in the operation
  --project-path PATH  The path to the dbt project to operate on. Defaults to
                       the current directory.
  -s, --select TEXT    The dbt selection syntax specifying the resources to
                       include in the operation
  --selector TEXT      The name of the YML selector specifying the resources
                       to include in the operation
  --help               Show this message and exit.