Typical flows
This page descibes how dbt-jobs-as-code
can be used in different scenarios, what commands to run in what order, what parameters to use, what CI actions to create etc...
CI/CD flows for most use cases
Manage jobs as code only for Production
In the most basic case, people maintain their jobs YAML files in their git repository and configure some CI action to trigger:
- a
on PR creation to get a feedback of the planned changes - a
on PR approval to apply the changes to production
actor U as User
participant C as dbt Cloud
participant G as git provider
actor U2 as Other User
U ->> G: creates a PR with dbt code and dbt-jobs-as-code YML
G -->> C: run `plan` on PR creation
C -->> G: get the planned changes
U2 ->> G: approve PR
G -->> C: run `sync` on PR approval
C -->> G: get confirmation that the jobs were updated
The relevant GitHub actions would be the following:
Examples of Github actions for plan
and sync
name: Plan for syncing dbt Cloud Jobs from YAML
run-name: Running dbt-jobs-as-code plan to see what is going to be changed/deleted
- main
- 'jobs/**'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Check out repository code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: "3.12.x"
- name: Install a specific version of uv
uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
version: "0.5"
- name: Run dbt-jobs-as-code
run: uvx dbt-jobs-as-code plan jobs/my_jobs.yml # (1)!
# or to limit the code to the envs/projects in the YML file
# run: uvx dbt-jobs-as-code plan jobs/my_jobs.yml --limit-projects-envs-to-yml
DBT_API_KEY: "${{secrets.DBT_API_KEY}}"
# DBT_BASE_URL is optional (2)
- We could also force a specific version with
uvx dbt-jobs-as-code@1.2
- It is set by default to
. We could addDBT_BASE_URL: "${{secrets.DBT_BASE_URL}}"
if we wanted to use a secret for our base url
name: Replicate dbt Cloud Jobs from YAML
run-name: Running dbt-jobs-as-code sync to replicate dbt Cloud jobs from YAML
- closed
- main
- 'jobs/**'
if: github.event.pull_request.merged == true
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Check out repository code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: "3.12.x"
- name: Install a specific version of uv
uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
version: "0.5"
- name: Run dbt-jobs-as-code
run: uvx dbt-jobs-as-code sync jobs/my_jobs.yml # (1)!
# or to limit the code to the envs/projects in the YML file
# run: uvx dbt-jobs-as-code sync jobs/my_jobs.yml --limit-projects-envs-to-yml
DBT_API_KEY: "${{secrets.DBT_API_KEY}}"
- We could also force a specific version with
uvx dbt-jobs-as-code@1.2
Manage jobs as code in different environments
A similar approach to the first case, but in that situation, we use templated YML files so that the same YML file can be used across different environments, and jobs can be configured based on some variables.
In that case, both promotion to QA and promotion to Prod will trigger a plan
on PR creation and a sync
on PR approval.
actor U as User
participant C as dbt Cloud
participant G as git provider
actor U2 as Other User
U ->> G: creates a PR to `qa` with dbt and dbt-jobs-as-code code
Note over U,G: the YAML will use templated variables <br>for the differences between qa and prod
G -->> C: run `plan` on PR creation using QA
C -->> G: get the planned changes for the QA env
U2 ->> G: approve PR
G -->> C: run `sync` on PR approval using QA variables
C -->> G: get confirmation that the jobs were updated
U2 ->> G: creates a PR from `qa` to `prod`, from the git interface
G -->> C: run `plan` on PR creation using prod variables
C -->> G: get the planned changes for the prod env
U2 ->> G: approve PR
G -->> C: run `sync` on PR approval using prod variables
C -->> G: get confirmation that the jobs were updated
The GitHub action is now a bit more complex to manage any number of promotion environments.
, we can map different branches of our different environments to different variable files.
The example below is just for plan
on PR creation, but the same logic would apply for sync
on PR approval.
Examples of Github actions for plan
name: Plan for syncing dbt Cloud Jobs from YAML
run-name: Running dbt-jobs-as-code plan to see what is going to be changed/deleted
- '**' # Trigger on all branches
- 'jobs/**' # we only trigger when files change under the `jobs/` folder which is where we store our config
"main": "jobs/vars_prod.yml",
"qa": "jobs/vars_qa.yml"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Check out repository code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: "3.12.x"
- name: Install a specific version of uv
uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
version: "0.5"
- name: Set vars file based on branch
id: set-vars-file
run: |
target_branch="${{ github.base_ref }}"
vars_file=$(echo '${{ env.BRANCH_FILE_MAP }}' | jq -r --arg branch "$target_branch" '.[$branch] // empty')
if [[ -z "$vars_file" ]]; then
echo "Branch $branch not found in BRANCH_FILE_MAP. Exiting."
exit 0 # Exit gracefully if branch is not in the map
echo "vars_file=$vars_file" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Run dbt-jobs-as-code
if: steps.set-vars-file.outputs.vars_file != '' # Only run if vars_file is set
run: uvx dbt-jobs-as-code plan jobs/jobs.yml --vars-yml ${{ steps.set-vars-file.outputs.vars_file }} --limit-projects-envs-to-yml
DBT_API_KEY: "${{secrets.DBT_API_KEY}}"
Flow for the initial import of jobs
Initial import of jobs
The import-jobs
command can be used to import jobs from dbt Cloud to a YAML file. Once the YAML file has been created it can be pushed to a git repository and jobs can be managed as code as in the previous cases.
The developer would just run dbt-jobs-as-code import-jobs
and decide the parameters for the import:
: the project to import the jobs from--environment-id
: the environment to import the jobs from--include-linked-id
: whether to include the linked id in the jobs--only-managed
: whether to only import "managed" jobs and leave the other one to be still managed via the UI in dbt Cloud
Once the YAML file has been created, it can be modified to remove jobs or change some parameters to replace them by variables.
actor U as User
participant C as dbt Cloud
participant G as git provider
U ->> C: run `import-jobs`
Note over U,C: Can specify the project, env and <br>whether to only import <br>"managed" jobs
C ->> U: get yaml file
Note over U: Update YAML if needed
U ->> G: push YAML file to repo
Flows for once off migrations of jobs
Replicate jobs from one environment to another (once off)
In the case that the requirement is only to replicate some or all jobs as a once off, a developer could run a few different commands without pushing the YAML file to a git repository.
actor U as User
participant C as dbt Cloud
U ->> C: run `import-jobs`
Note over U,C: Can specify the project, env and <br>whether to only import <br>"managed" jobs
C ->> U: get yaml file
Note over U: Update YAML if needed
U ->> C: run `plan` and `sync` to push jobs
U ->> C: run `unlink` to remove the identifier from the jobs
Move all jobs from one environment to another
This flow can be useful for people who want to move all jobs from one environment/project to another. This can happen for example when going from a monorepo to a dbt-mesh and wanting to move some/all the jobs to the new dbt Cloud project.
The initial steps are the same as for replicating jobs as a once off but we run a few extra commands to deactivate the jobs in the original project and envs.
actor U as User
participant C as dbt Cloud
U ->> C: run `import-jobs`
Note over U,C: Can specify the project, env and <br>whether to only import <br>"managed" jobs
C ->> U: get yaml file
Note over U: Update YAML if needed to update/remove jobs<br>and update project and env ids
U ->> C: run `link` to manage jobs in the monorepo environment
U ->> C: run `deactivate-jobs` on the original project and envs
U ->> C: [optional] run `unlink` in the required envs to remove the identifier from the jobs
Advanced flows
Automated promotion of jobs created in the UI to other environments
In this mechanism, we use dbt-jobs-as-code
to create a CI/CD pipeline to automatically promote jobs created in the dbt Cloud UI to other environments. It would synchronize jobs and allow creating new ones, deleting old ones and modifying existing ones.
The key part of the process is the advanced ability to import jobs while setting Jinja variables that will be rendered differently for each environment.
actor D as dbt Developer
participant C as dbt Cloud
participant G as git repo
actor U as User
D -->>C: Maintain dbt Cloud jobs in the UI in dev,<br> adding [[..]] to the jobs that<br> need to be promoted/replicated
U -->>G: Create and commit the YAML vars files for each env
U -->>G: Create and commit the YAML vars files for the templated values
U -->>G: Create a pipeline to automatically run `dbt-jbos-as-code<br>on a schedule or triggered by somone
G ->> C: run `import-jobs` with `--templated-fields templ.yml`<br>,`--managed-only` and `-e` to specify the env
C ->> G: get yaml file
Note over G: Check difference with existing file<br> and auto-create PR if it is different
Note right of G: When the PR is created, we follow the<br> typical flow of GH actions<br> with plan/sync on PR creation/merge